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A Unified Direction for Couples for Christ Florida and its Family Ministries

"If there is any encouragement in Christ, any solace in love, any participation in the Spirit, any compassion and mercy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, with the same love, united in heart, thinking one thing."

-Philippians 2:1-2

A connected and “ONE FLORIDA” allows for a complete accountability from all of us in the state of Florida. Where we all can push each other together through our different areas’ challenges and give praise to God, for the miracles that He works through us. As ONEFLO we pray together and become united in our journey to better serve God.

Families in the Holy Spirit



The Goals for 2017

Kids for Christ

Every chapter conducting Family Households in 2017.

CFC Youth

Every chapter leading two youth camps in 2017.

Singles for Christ

& Campus Based

Every chapter leading two SFC CLPs in 2017.

Every campus officially registered and leading one CLP/retreat in 2017.

Couples for Christ

Every chapter evangelizing to and supporting a mission area within Florida in 2017.

Each chapter introducing CFC to one new parish

Handmaids of the Lord

Every chapter leading two CLPs in 2017.

Servants of the Lord

Every chapter leading two CLPs in 2017.

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